What’s Good: Deaf Puppy United With Deaf Owner Learns Sign Language
Emerson was only 6 weeks old when the pup was dropped off at an animal shelter and started having complications. In North Monmouth, Maine, NFR Animal shelter staffers say that Emerson was deaf, had seizures and a highly contagious viral illness. Despite the illness, Emerson seemed to come out on top.
As the puppy got better from his illness, the shelter posted a Facebook status of the young pup looking for a home and his story. Although the shelter got many whom were interested in adopting the pup, only one person seemed to stick out. Nick Abbott contacted the shelter and informed them that he was deaf and wanted to adopt the deaf black Labrador mix and after hearing this, staffers knew it was a match made in heaven.
31-year- old Abbott said, "He was interested in meeting Emerson because they would understand each other, being that they both share the same hearing difficulties." When Abbott came to the shelter, Emerson made a beeline toward him and staffers knew it was meant to be.
Now, three months later, Abbott and Emerson are melting hearts all across social media through their social bond. Emerson has picked up on sign language pretty quickly and already knows many commands. NFR has been keeping followers of their situation.
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