Charity Barn Dance This Saturday, Donations Already Coming In
The 11th annual Charity Barn Dance happens this Saturday (Jan. 27, 2018) at the Electric Park Ballroom, and donations have already started coming in for this year's effort.
- WHEN: Saturday, January 27, 2018
- WHERE: Electric Park Ballroom in Waterloo, Iowa
- DOORS: 6:45 PM
- DANCING: 7:00 PM - 11:30 PM
- TICKETS: $8 per person available at the door the night of the event, must 18 to attend (must 18 or older to attend)
- PROCEEDS: 100% of the proceeds benefit the LZ-Phoenix Project ran by Rally Point Cedar Valley Veterans.
I can't begin to tell you how excited I am that this event that my friend Bruce Harberts and I started back in 2008 has grown like it has. In the beginning, we just wanted to create a night of dancing and to help raise some money for a worthy cause. Who knew we'd see the support grow year after year? 2018 marks the first year that we open the doors with a majority of the expenses already paid off.
Each year we have selected a different (IRS recognized) non-profit organization to be the benefactor. We've tried to line up a few door prizes and silent auction items, and maybe a little extra when the opportunity presented itself. This is proving to be a banner year for the annual Charity Barn Dance.
Thanks to donations from the Bremer County Marine Corp League, Bremer County V.F.W., Bremer County Amvets, and the Bremer County American league, the cost of renting the Electric Park Ballroom has already been covered.
The Waverly HyVee and Waverly Wal-Mart also donated gift cards which were used to purchase supplies needed for LZ Phoenix House.
DJ Tex once again will donate the sound system and lights for the 2018 edition of the Charity Barn Dance.
Thanks to Ducks Unlimited and Pheasants Forever, we have 17 numbered paintings on the silent auction docket. There are also a large amount of earring sets, scars and more too.
The stage will feature an all new barn back drop complete with it's very own barn quilt. This was built and paid for by Charity Barn Dance co-founder Bruce Harberts. Plus, there are even more items to help give that 'Grand Ole Opry' inside of a barn feel.
Come join us this Saturday for a little line dancing, two-stepping, waltzing, and what ever else we can dream up.
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