What’s Good: Good Samaritan Drives 1,300 Miles To Save Stranded
An Australian family vacation had turned for the worst, until one good samaritan decided to step up and help.
Last week, the Melrose family were going on a 2,500 mile road trip across Australia last week. The family had left their home in Gippsland and were traveling with two boats to the national minnow sailing championships in Darwin. Apparently, the two kids in the family had trained hard throughout the year for this tournament, so when their car broke down within 620 miles of the destination, there seemed to be no hope for them to put that training to use.
That is until ABC News and social media go involved. ABC News picked up on this story and made a social media post sharing the family's story with the hope that a good samaritan would pick up on this story and lend a helping hand, and it worked! Rodney Sims was scrolling through his social media one day when he saw this story and decided to lend a helping hand. Rodney left his home in Darwin and hopped in his truck driving all the way to where the family was staying in a hotel. He picked up the Melrose family and then brought them all the way back to Darwin making a 1,250 mile round road trip. Talk about kindness!