Tiffany Kay’s Weekend In 5: Bring On The Halloween Vibes
Oh how I love October! Haunted houses every weekend, scaring the crap out of my friends and good times! Yes, scaring my friends is one of my good times... I know I am evil.
My weekend consisted of playing multiple card games, which by the way if anyone tells you I lost more than I won... they are lying, decorating and haunted horror. I spent most of time playing rummy on Friday and learning some new arts and crafts projects. I am actually getting good at crafts!
Saturday was spent decorating my friend's house for Halloween (if you need a Halloween decorator, let me know!) where I may have put up clowns in her house on purpose to scare a friend of ours... yes, I am awful. My mom sent me and my friend Alli some Halloween masks to enjoy the season so we matched for the haunted house. I continued the day with dressing up for Halloween and then finishing it off by going to a haunted house of course. We went to Scream Acres in Atkins, Iowa and had a lot of fun with all three haunted houses. No, I still didn't really get scared but it was still a good time!
I ended my weekend playing cards at my friend's house. They were all watching some football game but I really only went over for the game day food... yes, I am that shallow. Played cards for about 5 hours and yes, I lost more than I won but we are not going to talk about that.
Two more weekends to get your spooky activities done! Make sure to jump on the spooky bandwagon!