Cedar Falls Man Busted For Marijuana Growing Operation
A Cedar Falls man got busted for growing a different type of crop in his home.
The legalization of weed has been a hot topic over the past few years. In the Hawkeye State, the use of marijuana both recreationally and medically is illegal. CBD on the other hand can limitedly be used legally by registered patients.
I just honestly can't keep track of what is and isn't legal anymore...
As reported by the Waterloo/Cedar Falls Courier, Black Hawk County deputies were investigating a completely different crime when they came across this operation. Officials say they were looking into a case of stolen automobile parts in Washburn.
During this investigation, officials were checking out an auto salvage yard, which lead them to looking into a house nearby. Located at 1615 East Dunkerton Road, allegedly officers found a whole marijuana growing operation in the basement of the home.
Harry Buttermore was arrested earlier this month in connection to the findings in the basement. Buttermore is facing multiple charges which include manufacturing marijuana.
Investigators claimed to have found in the basement 3-feet tall marijuana plants, LED lights, and some previously harvested plants that were being stored in cabinets.
Buttermore has been released while he awaits a trial.
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