One of the perks of Iowa being so "flat" is all of the great bike riding opportunities that pop up. This lends itself to the Hawkeye State being home to one of the largest rec bike rides in the whole world.

Over the weekend, RAGBRAI officials announced the route for the 2025 ride.

RAGBRAI also known as the Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa has been a statewide tradition since 1973. It is the "oldest, largest and longest recreational bicycle touring event in the world."

Kicking off in Orange City on Sunday, July 20th, this year's ride is one for the history books.

This week long ride will be 406 miles long with 10,487 feet of climb, making it the second shortest RAGRAI ride in event history, according to officials.

RAGBRAI 2025 Makes Two Big Stops In Eastern Iowa

This year's RAGBRAI will run from July 19th and ending on Saturday, July 26th. The theme for the 52nd annual ride is "Take Flight."

In a press release, the "Take Flight" theme is meant to symbolize the physical and emotional journey that every single bike rider goes on during RAGBGRAI.

“This year’s logo and theme represents more than just the ride; it’s a celebration of the journey and the destination,"  said RAGBRAI director Matt Phippen.

There are several stops that people in Eastern Iowa should be getting excited about.

Two of the biggest overnight stops will be in Cedar Falls and Oelwein.

Courtesy of RAGBRAI
Courtesy of RAGBRAI

"We are thrilled to welcome cyclists from across Iowa and across the globe to Cedar Falls this summer! You don't have to look very hard to see our community's history and love for cycling and hosting RAGBRAI this year is a great opportunity for us to show that love," said Cedar Falls Mayor Danny Laudick.

Cedar Falls Plans for RAGRBAI 2025

It's been a decade since RAGRAI last traveled through Cedar Falls. A few years back, Waterloo was an overnight spot for the event.

Devin Lawler
Devin Lawler

Riders will be making their way into the Cedar Valley on Thursday, July 24th.

According to a report from the city, the main entertainment for that evening will take place in the Cedar Falls Downtown District.

Now it's starting to make sense why the city has been going through so much construction over the past year, right?

There is no word on exactly what type of entertainment will be in store for riders and locals alike, but we will keep you updated as more details are released.

Also, for information on volunteering or to host riders at your home, make sure to check out the official Cedar Falls RAGBRAI webpage for more details.

Oelwein Plans for RAGBRAI 2025

After spending a night in Cedar Falls, riders will travel 28.2 miles northeast to Oelwein. Riders will be able to spend the second to last night of RAGBRAI (Friday, July 25th) in the town of Oelwein.

While bike riders passed through Oelwein in 2014, the town hasn't been an "overnight town" in over twenty years, according to reports.

There aren't too many details about the events in store for visitors dropping into Oelwein on that Friday, there are some interesting connections between the town and RAGBRAI as a whole.

The RAGBRAI Ride Director Matt Phippen was actually raised in Oelwein, according to a report from the Des Moines Register.

Will you be participating in RAGRABI this year?

Stay up to date with everything going on in Eastern Iowa by downloading the free station app from your app store.

Also, do not forget to follow the station across all social media platforms for the latest news and entertainment updates.

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