If You Are A Starbucks Fanatic, This Is For You
"Black Friday" deals may not start until Friday but we all know Starbucks likes to make an entrance into "parties" like this and boy do they have a deal for you. Starbucks "Black Friday" deal starts TODAY and all you Starbuck coffee lovers out there are about to get real excited.
The Starbucks "Black Friday" deal starts today where you can buy a gray tumbler (because who doesn't need more tumblers?) for $40 and then every time you bring the tumbler into the store in January you will get a free hot coffee or hot tea. Sounds like a good deal right? Or if you just don't want to do the math of whether this is really worth it, don't worry I have done it for you!
Basically, if a grande coffee normally costs $2 then that means you need to go to Starbucks 21 times during January to make it all worth it. Honestly, to me that's nothing since I sometimes go twice a day- DON'T JUDGE. So for that Starbucks fanatic in your life, make sure you get them this for Christmas and they will love you forever.