How Bad Is Your Road Rage?
Ok, I will be the first one to admit that I have road rage.... pretty badly. However, when you grow up in big city traffic, I guess it is expected right? Not only is road rage expected but swearing is as well according to a new study.
According to a new study, for every 100 miles you drive, you'll swear 41 times, which kind of seems like a lot if you ask me. So what does this mean about us? Are we all just bad drivers? Are we having a bad day and getting annoyed at the little things? Or are there real reasons behind our road rage?
As much as most of us would like to think it is never our fault and we really don't have road rage or swear much while driving, here are the top ten things that will probably make you swear while driving.
1. Someone cuts you off.
2. Almost getting hit by someone changing lanes.
3. Seeing someone texting and driving.
4. Drivers who don't use their turn signals.
5. A pedestrian stepping into the road without looking.
6. Drivers who won't turn off their brights.
7. Someone driving too slowly in front of you.
8. Someone taking up two spaces in a parking lot.
9. Drivers who don't wave to say thanks when you let them in.
10. People who drive slowly in the fast lane and won't move over.