Here’s When The C.V. Will Likely Get Measurable Snow
Fall is upon us and that means... DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN winter isn't far off. It's Iowa, after all. Northeast Iowa. So when can we expect snow? I must admit, this didn't even enter my mind 'til I was reading an article on one of our sister stations (Minnesota's New County, 98.1 in St. Cloud, MN). The DJ, Abbey, posted about when they'd likely be getting snow. Now, they're significantly north of Waterloo so, don't despair, we'll likely see the leaf covered grass longer than they will. But, let's explore when we might get snow, and how much to expect.
First off, Waterloo averages 34.5 inches of snow.
The website CurrentResults.com does a great job of showing breakdowns citywide - and going by what they say, Waterloo is very unlikely get get measurable white stuff until mid-November. Take 2018 which was a NASTY winter as an example: We got some snow, flurries and such in early November, but no measurable snow 'til November 17 when we got over 2 inches. Back in 2016, we got a whopping SEVEN inches of snow on November 20. Now there are exceptions, in 2019, last year, we got one in on October 29. Think back, last winter was super mild. Largely brown... so that's inch mostly melted off and didn't really stick. Like, at all. But we still got an inch so, it can happen.
Going by recent history, I'd say we're going to remain free and clear of measurable white stuff until at least mid-November. History indicates we really don't get hit too hard until after New Years. Don't plan any road trips using this data, but rest assured: History is on your side if you're goin somewhere by car for Christmas. We'll likely have seen snow by then, but the worst will be yet to come.
Then again, it's 2020 so we could get dumped on next Tuesday...
For what its worth, the two Farmer's Almanacs are pretty split over the kind of winter we'll have overall.

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