A Way To Avoid Failing Your New Year Resolution
It is 2019 which means it is time to start fulfilling that New Year’s resolution. Who’s excited?! Well, lets be honest, you may be excited now as we are 2 days into the new year but as time goes on and life gets in the way, you will probably find it much harder to keep up with your resolution. In an article done by Business Insider, according to U.S. News, about 80% percent of resolutions fail by the second week of February. That is not very far away if you think about it and although we all want to keep our resolutions, sometimes it just does not happen as seen by this percentage.
So, what can you do to beat this dreaded deadline and make 2019 the year you accomplish your resolution? Well according to Business Insider, you should enroll in an online course that corresponds with your resolution such as an exercise class online, time management classes or even classes on how to de-stress. The courses not only hold you accountable for achieving this goal but they also help to motivate you every day.
If you want to know more about this or want suggestions on what courses to join, check out the full article here! Or you could just use my approach and not set a resolution so then you can’t fail at doing it in the new year, I mean either way works!
Good luck in 2019!