If you feel that you can never get enough chocolate, a long running trend in Belgium might be something to consider – snorting chocolate. Now that snorting chocolate trend has made its way to North America.

Commercial Drive Licorice Parlour in Vancouver, British Columbia is now offering chocolate snorting to their customers.

Mary Dunsdon, owner of the Licorice Parlour, tells Global BC, “Everybody loves snorting chocolate. It’s for everybody. For $2 a ‘hit’ anyone can try snorting the chocolate, which is a very fine, high-quality cocoa.”

It comes in two flavors, cocoa-raspberry and cocoa-ginger. It’s a really small amount, it’s not even an eighth of a teaspoon.

So what happens when you snort chocolate? You experience the same sensation of eating chocolate for a couple of hours, but it doesn't come with all those nasty calories.

A lot of people have suggested it’s cleared their sinuses.

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