Should pajamas be allowed when remote learning? Never thought this would actually become a debate among society but I also never thought remote learning would become the "norm" in our world. Thanks 2020. Well now that we have arrive to this debate, lets see where it started.

According to GMA, the Springfield School District in Illinois recently put out their new handbook for the upcoming school year that has been tailored towards remote learning and one change stuck out in this handbook- the banning of pajamas. The handbook originally states that pajama pants are not allowed in school and have now been extended towards remote learning. As you can imagine, this caused a major uproar among people on social media. Many are wondering how and why you would enforce a dress code when remote learning while others have said they agree that getting up and getting dressed for the day will allow students to be more focused and successful in a unconventional classroom setting.

However the question now is, "Will other school districts start enforcing this?" While I can't give an answer to this, I can give you my opinion. I agree with the idea that waking up and getting ready for the day actually does make people more productive and focused whereas laying around in pajamas all day can make us not want to do anything other than lay on the couch, eat snacks and binge Netflix all day. I mean the only time I was allowed to stay in my pajamas all day when I was a kid was because I was sick. However enforcing this while home? I don't know if this should really take precedence during a pandemic.

What do you think? Should Iowa school districts ban pajamas for students during remote learning?

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