Here Are 5 Ways To Help Prepare Your Kids Going Back To School
As elementary, middle and high school students are preparing to go back to school many parents are trying to make sure their kiddos are equipped with the proper products to keep them safe during the pandemic. Not only are they grabbing the necessary products but also making sure kids understand how they should interact with others while practicing social distancing.
I know this can be a stressful time for parents especially accommodating to the new guidelines dealing with the pandemic. The CDC has put together full guidelines as to how to prepare students and teachers for the new school year while dealing with the pandemic.I decided to help break it down to an easy list for parents to deal with. Here are 5 ways to help prepare your kids to go back to school:
1. Pack more than one mask in their backpack. We all know kids lose things easily so be prepared and have more than one mask for them in their back pack.
2. Hand sanitizer! Make sure pack some hand sanitizer for the kiddos. I know you are thinking they won't use it much but doesn't hurt to have it and you can even have the kids decorate the bottle or holder to make it more appealing.
3. Remind them about social distancing when it comes to greeting their friends. The hug has been cancelled unfortunately due to Covid so remind them about bumping elbows or just waving but make it into a game so they remember.
4. Be aware of mask bullying. Unfortunately this has become a thing. Bullying another for not wearing a mask or for wearing a mask or for not liking a design. We all know how kids can be so we must be aware that this could be a possibility.
5. Have as much normalcy while being safe. Make the school day seem as normal as possible with homework, play dates and encouraging learning.
For more guidelines and tips for going back to school check out the CDC recommendations here.
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