Family Education & Family Fun At Lost Island Waterpark
This Saturday, July 24th, Hemophilia of Iowa is sponsoring an educational event in which you can learn about different bleeding disorders and then spend the day at Lost Island Waterpark!
After the sad news about Lost Island being closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, it's great to see events like this still happening!
Now you might be wondering what on earth hemophilia is and I’ll spare you all the science talk and medical jargon and just say this: it is an inherited disorder in which the blood’s ability to clot is greatly reduced. This means spontaneous bleeding like frequent nosebleeds can occur which I think we can all agree doesn’t sound very fun. It can also result in excessive bleeding from things like shots or surgeries.
Hemophilia of Iowa can tell you all sorts of information on the diseases and you can get connected with other community members and vendors. Even if you don’t know anyone who has a bleeding disorder, it’s always a good idea to be educated! And, after the exhibition and educational program from 8:00am-10:00am, Lost Island Waterpark tickets will be distributed to those who participated beginning at 11:00am.
The event will take place at Moose Lodge at 6636 La Porte RoadWashburn, IA which is just a short 10 minute drive from Waterloo. After you partake in the education session, it’s only a short 5 minute drive to Lost Island Waterpark where you and your loved ones can spend the rest of the day splashing in the sun.
Even if you don’t personally know anyone with a bleeding disorder, or if you don’t even know what that entails, it’s always good to be educated! Don’t miss out on this exciting educational opportunity followed by a day one of the Midwest’s favorite waterparks! Simply scan the QR code listed on the Hemophilia of Iowa’s website to register, you can do that by clicking here.