A Huge Thank You To These Three K92.3 Listeners
If you hang out with Kerri and me on the K-Country Morning show, you've likely heard us talk about this goofy thing I started doing in high school. If you haven't heard me talk about flannel Fridays, it all started with my chemistry teacher, when I was a junior in high school.
There was a random Friday during the year when we both happened to wear a flannel shirt on the same day. We thought it was kind of cool so we decided to do it again the next week. We did it again the following week and the rest is pretty much history. It's some stupid little thing I've been doing during the winter months for the past 16 years.
When I got my first radio job at 22 years old, in Winona, Minnesota, I decided to bring the tradition with me on the air. It took a bit for this goofy thing I was doing to really catch on but when it did, there was no stopping it.
I was at a pizza place in Winona when someone mentioned they knew my birthday was coming up and they had a gift for me on that Friday. It ended up being a flannel, with her business name on it. I thought that was pretty cool and a really nice thing to do.
After I posted the picture on Facebook and talked about it on the air, other businesses came pouring in with flannel gifts. Sure, it was a pretty cheap way to get me to mention them on the air and on Facebook but I appreciated it all the same. These are about half of the Flannels that have been made for me over the years.
Kerri has seen me wear a ton of these flannel shirts, since the beginning of October when I officially start doing Flannel Fridays. She has mentioned a few times she wanted a flannel with a business name on it. I normally am not a fan of asking for things during the show but there were 3 people who jumped on board and told Kerri they would make and send us some flannel shirts. They decided to drop 3 flannels off at the Eastern Iowa Home and Landscaping show. One for me, one for Kerri, and one for our boss Johnny.
I never really know what to say when a business or a person wants to do this. It's all very nice and I greatly appreciate it but it can make me feel a bit weird. My job is already pretty cool I never want people to think I'm asking for these to be made and given to me. I can thankfully afford a lot of the stuff I need or want on my own, especially flannel shirts.
I never want people to think I'm abusing the power of being a radio host. My goal has always been to try and help make 1 person's day be a little more entertaining from the hours of 6-10 a.m. If I can do that for 1 person, I consider that day a win. There's some magic that comes from talking into a microphone I guess.
I just want to let Jordan, Jaz, and Ashlyn know that this was a really nice gesture and I'm extremely thankful. It's my first official company flannel that's been given to me in Iowa! I'll be sure to wear the Knebel Home Improvement flannel loudly and proudly. The beer koozies were also a nice addition. Now when I'm out broadcasting for K92.3, I can wear this as my station apparel!
You two and Ashlyn were all very nice and I hope to meet up with you all again sometime. Kerri can now officially say she's been given a flannel by someone who listens to the show! She's been rather jealous up to this point.