The Perfect Christmas Gift For Any Iowan That Loves Busch Beer….
One thing I have learned whilst living in Iowa is that you all LOVE your Busch Beer. Although I have noticed most of you prefer Busch light but you will take multiple variations of it. Well, Iowans if this describes you then I have the perfect gift for you all.
Busch Beer has just created a Christmas stocking that is PERFECT for all of their fans. It is a flannel Christmas stocking that is FIVE FEET LONG and insulated on the inside. Why insulted on the inside? Well it's because in this stocking you can fit 12 cans of beer inside AND it will keep these cans cool for four hours.
So, basically you all are in heaven at this point and want it right? Are you worried it is too expensive? No worries here. Busch's online store is selling them for only $20! So not only can you get one for that special someone but you can also get one for yourself!