If you have recently graduated from high school you are about to endeavor on a big adventure.. COLLEGE! That's right, you are about to go out on your own adventure full of burning popcorn, nap times, partying, and oh yeah... working towards a career!

Although, all of this is pretty exciting, some of you may be a little nervous to start. I mean you have recently come from being the big fish in a small pond knowing everything, to being little fish in a big pond knowing nothing about adulting. Well, that is why I wanted to help all you Freshmen out going int your first year of college, especially at University of Northern Iowa.

So, I reached out to get some advice for you all on Facebook:

Here are some responses to live by during your college years!

Yeah, this is basically with most schools and seemed to be the most common advice! It is so easy to skip a class but hold yourself responsible because it will only help you in the end!

It may seem scary at first, but you will find friends and it is important to become a part of the panther community! Support yourself and your school!

This is probably one of the hardest things you will do in your life... ask for help. You have a community of teachers and supporting students to help you and they really do want you to succeed so it is okay to admit when you need help.


Can you see the theme here? GO TO CLASS! It will help you in your life going forward and they really aern't bad classes! Also, make sure to have some fun while your at it.

In the end, take a deep breath and hang on, because you are about to go on the ride of your lifetime! Have fun and make sure to show that Panther Pride!

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