Saturday Is National Wine Day But Iowa Celebrates In June
I'm not a wine guy. Last time I tried some I thought, 'hm, that's a funny tasting beer.' But lots of people do love their wine and so for you, I have good news! Tomorrow is National Wine Day. So that can be your excuse when you put down two or three bottles... However, for Iowa, wine gets a whole week! Down in the capital, Des Moines' 17th annual Winefest goes down June 1st-8th with daily events, parties and dinners scheduled all over the city. You can get more info on that here.
Since this weekend is still a wine lovers time to enjoy, here are some results from a new survey about wine drinking for the 'holiday':
- Americans drink an average of four glasses of wine a week.
- The main reason we DON'T drink a glass of wine after work or with dinner is because we don't want to open a new bottle.
- Three out of four people say their favorite place to drink wine is at home.
- And after we host a party, the average person throws out three partially-full bottles of wine.
If you're looking to keep it local, check out some info on great Iowa wines available at most liquor stores!
(Wine stats from Metro.com)
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