Jayme Closs Should Get Reward Money
It's the least they could do.
The Jayme Closs story was the biggest news story last week and one of the intensives to find this young girl was $50,000 reward money. She spent 88 days under the bed of 21 year-old Jake Thomas Patterson who also murdered Closs' parents. Patterson told Closs he was leaving for about 6 hours and she escaped the house and made it to another residents when she asked for help. Closs ended up at Peter and Kristen Kasinskases' house.
The $50,000 reward money was raised in a 50-50 split by the FBI and the Jennie-O-Turkey factory where Closs' parents worked.
If the FBI and Jennie-O-Turkey were willing to give that money to a random person who helped Closs escape, they should absolutely give it Closs who escaped herself. The Kasinskases were the first to say that they don't want the reward money and that it should go to Closs. Authorities are still deciding on what to do with the money.