Iowa Woman Creates Face Masks “Giving Tree”
And the giving just keeps on going... literally!
A 55-year-old Iowa woman by the name of Deb Siggins has created a "Giving Tree" is Lisbon with homemade face masks to benefit the entire neighborhood. Deb Siggins is a doctor's office employee whom originally started making face masks for healthcare workers at the local hospital due to lack of supplies occurring. The plan was to donate 100 masks to the healthcare workers. Well the plan went out the window when friends and family members were asking for masks as well. Debbie has now created over 400 masks and all paid for by herself.
Debbie had to get a little creative though when it came to distributing these masks to family and friends due to social distancing which is where the new "giving tree" comes in. Debbie started putting about 30 masks at a time at a neighborhood tree in Lisbon where people can come as they please and take a mask all while social distancing. The masks usually end up gone the day they are put up so Debbie is constantly working on new ones to put on the tree.
You can check out pictures and more of the story with the link below thanks to the Good News Network.
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