Are Iowans Going to Need A Vaccine Passport?
Are Iowans Going to Need A Vaccine Passport?
I'll say it...I'm tired of the pandemic. All of us are just plain exhausted from all of this COVID craziness over the past year. I count my blessings that I have not gotten the virus nor have any of my family members.
Like a decent number of people in the United States, I have gotten the COVID-19 vaccine. The fact that vaccine numbers are going up and COVID cases are going down means that a lot of us will be traveling again.
This brings up a question that we've been asking for months...
How do we make sure that COVID doesn't spread again?
Some people's answer to this is a COVID-19 vaccine passport.
Nationally & Internationally
As reported in this New York Times piece, there are multiple different incarnations of the "vaccine passport." Officials are saying that this sort of passport could either be a paper or digital version. Denmark will have a digital passport that can get you into sports games, indoor seating at restaurants, and tattoo parlors.
Here in Iowa...
Bringing it to the Midwest, this is a hot button issue. There is a movement in the Iowa House of Representatives that is pushing to ban any form of ID card with an individual's vaccination history, according to Radio Iowa.
This would place a ban any any Iowa private business or venue to deny entry to individuals who have not received the COVID-19 vaccination. Health care facilities would be exempt from this however. Local businesses and governments could actually lose state funding i.e. grants if they require proof of getting a COVID-19 vaccination, according to the piece of Legislation.
What does Governor Reynolds think?
Governor Kim Reynolds has made it clear that she believes people should get vaccinated. According to her, "Every one of the vaccines are safe and effective, especially at preventing serious illness that can result in hospitalization or death."
She is in support of this bill otherwise known as House File 889. Reynolds says that a "vaccine passport" would create a "two-tiered society" during a recent news conference.
As it stands, Iowans might not need it, but other parts of the country may require it.