Iowa Man Robs Bank for THIS (No, Not Cash)
The current pandemic has caused a lot on anxiety, concern and even frustration. We're all hoping it ends sooner than later, or a vaccine at least slows it to the point where we can feel safe going out again in groups. Another interesting effect from COVID-19... shortages. Clorox, Purell, etc. Now, I get it, those are important for sanitation, but would you rob a bank to get 'em? Well, a Sioux City Iowa man did.
CBS 42 reports the man identified as 39 year old Mark Gray broke into Security National Bank in Sioux City just after midnight yesterday. He smashed the glass door of the bank, entered the lobby and proceeded to steal ONLY the hand sanitizer before he fled the scene.
Obviously banks have tons of security 24 hours a day and, Mr. Gray was caught pretty quickly afterwords. He had also attempted to rob another store so, he doesn't appear to be a one-note erm, sanitizer, wonder. Good news for the police, when they cuffed him, his hands were likely very clean.
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