Iowa Has the 2nd Lowest Drug Problem in the US
With harsher penalties for drug offenders, Iowa is one of the cleanest states in the country.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has deemed this week: National Prevention Week. This sparked WalletHub to do a survey to find out the states with the biggest drug problem for 2018.
Taking a survey of all 50 states and the District of Columbia, Iowa came in as the state with the 2nd lowest drug problem.
The survey was researched over 20 key metrics such as: arrest, over-dose rates, opioid prescriptions and meth-lab incidents per capita.
Drug Abuse & Prevention in Iowa (1=Biggest Problem; 25=Avg.)
- 50th – Share of Teenagers Who Used Illicit Drugs in the Past Month
- 51st – Share of Adults Who Used Illicit Drugs in the Past Month
- 31st – Opioid Pain Reliever Prescriptions per Capita
- 47th – Drug Overdose Deaths per Capita
- 38th – Drug Arrests per Capita
- 44th – Share of Adults Who Needed but Didn’t Receive Treatment for Illicit Drug Use in the Past Year
- 42nd – Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities per 100,000 People (12 Years and Older) Using Illicit Drugs
Source: WalletHub
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