Iowa DNR & National Wild Turkey Federation Offer Hunting Classes
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the National Wild Turkey Federation will offer three basic 'Learn to Hunt' classes for those interested in turkey hunting. The sessions will be held at the DNR’s Butch Olofson Shooting Range in Polk City, Iowa.
The free, three-part series will give participants basic knowledge needed to begin turkey hunting, knowledge on communication with turkeys and decoy setups pertaining to the phases of breeding season, and knowledge on how to pattern your shotgun before hitting the field.
“Hunting plays an important role in conservation and provides thousands of Iowans with safe, fun quality recreation each year, said Megan Wisecup, DNR hunter education administrator. “Whether you are a novice or a skilled hunter, these learn to hunt workshops will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to get started or to increase your confidence and success while hunting.”
Those that are 15 years of age or younger wishing to attend must attend this session with an adult.
Iowa’s 2018 spring turkey hunting begins April 7 with a youth-only season, followed by five individual seasons beginning April 16.
Class Schedule:
- Turkey Hunting Basics - March 27 - 6:00PM - 8:30PM (Register Online)
- Turkey Calling 101/Decoy Set-Up - April 3 - 6:00PM - 8:30PM (Register Online)
- Patterning Your Shotgun for Spring Turkey Season - April 10 - 6:00PM - 8:30PM (Register Online)
Registration is free and limited to 40 participants per class. Sign up is available for single sessions or all three sessions in the series, but it is not mandatory to attend all three sessions.
The DNR will be offering similar "Learn to Hunt" classes later this summer or early fall, partnering with Delta Waterfowl and Pheasants Forever.
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