“Idol Across America” Open Virtual Auditions Via Zoom Will Visit Iowa
You usually reserve your fantastic singing voice for when you're in the shower or maybe driving in the car, you're kind of shy about it. But you're also the person that occasionally breaks it out for friends and family and they all say stuff like, "you're good!"..."you should be on the radio"..."you should be on one of those talent shows on TV". If that's you, here's your chance to be on the hit TV show American Idol.
According to a media alert, ABC-TV's American Idol will continue to break new innovative boundaries with custom-built Zoom technology to host “Idol Across America,” its first-ever live virtual nationwide search for the next superstar. Open call virtual Zoom auditions for American Idol in Iowa will be held on Wednesday, August 26th.
“Idol Across America” remote auditions will take place across all 50 states plus Washington, D.C., for the first time since the show’s inception, making auditions easier than ever. Saving contestants time and money traveling to distant cities for live auditions. Idol hopefuls will still have the chance to audition "face-to-face" in front of American Idol producers as the “Idol Across America” virtual tour stops in their home state.
Here's one rule hidden the small print..."You must be between 15 – 28 years old to audition". Well, that counts me out, I guess the world will never hear my beautiful singing voice. But that doesn't mean you can't take a chance at stardom. So, pick out a song that fits you, start practicing and get ready for next Wednesday, August 26th when "Idol" comes to Iowa, in a virtual sort of way.
To reserve your audition date and time go to: ABC.com. GOOD LUCK, maybe you'll be the next Maddie Poppe! (Season 16 winner and Clarksville, IA native.)

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