Will Coronavirus Bring The World Closer Together Or Further Apart?
This is the first time in most of our lifetimes that the entire world is all facing the same imminent threat. On one hand, we're all in this together, but on the other hand, we're also shutting down our borders and stopping international travel.
So one day, when this is finally over, do you think it's going to bring the world closer together, or push us further apart?
According to a new survey, people are twice as likely to say this shared experience is going to bring the world together. 35% of people say this will bring us closer and 17% say it will push us further apart.
35% say it won't make a difference, and the rest aren't sure.
Women are more likely than men to say it will bring us closer, men are more likely to say it will push us apart. Also, young people are much more likely to say it will bring us together older people believe it won't make a difference.
(Via YouGov)
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