Wait, We Have To LEAVE Iowa To Celebrate Oktoberfest Properly?
So let me get this straight, according to a new study by WalletHub, Iowa doesn't have ANY good cities for celebrating Oktoberfest? Well, it appears we do not according to their findings.
Despite this, there's a whole slew of Midwestern cities that they feel are good for celebrating Oktoberfest including Milwaukee (DUH, it's a big beer town) Minneapolis and St. Paul and... Omaha? Really... Omaha makes the cut, but NOTHING in Iowa? They do know we have a lot of German engineers working for John Deere, right?
So what's the metric WalletHub used to determine who best handles Oktoberfest?
- Highest percentage of German population.
- Most German restaurants per capita.
- Most pretzel shops per capita. (Really...)
- Most accessible bars.
- Cost of beer.
Overall, the BEST city was (no surprise) New York City. Denver, Colorado and Portland, Oregon round out the top three Best Cities to Celebrate Oktoberfest.
Normally I agree with WalletHub's findings, but come on guys, Iowans LOVE beer as much as anyone, and I'm sure our beer-love would make any German proud. I'm sorry I got my lederhosen in a bunch.
(See more HERE from WalletHub)