Every now and then, I'm driving around and notice vehicles with windows that seem way more tinted than the average car.

I always wonder if that person is secretly working for the President or maybe they are just super sensitive to the sun.

This got me wondering: are tinted windows even legal in Iowa?

So, Are Tinted Windows Legal in Iowa?


The answer to this question is not an easy yes or no.

It depends on just HOW tinted the windows are as well as which windows.

Here are the window tinting standards according to the Iowa Department of Transportation:

  • Front windshield ~ at least 70% light transmittance
  • Front-side windows ~ at least 70% light transmittance.
  • Back side seat window ~ any tint darkness can be used
  • Rear window ~ any tint darkness can be used

In the state of Iowa, the operation of a vehicle with a front windshield and/or front-side windows that do not meet the "standard of transparency of 70% or more light transmittance" or strictly prohibited.

In short, Iowa allows any level of tint on back and rear windows, but the front windshield and side windows must let in at least 70% of light.

What If There's a Medical Exception?

Iowans can no longer be approved for medical exemptions for tinted windows.

While new medical exemptions aren’t granted anymore, exceptions approved before July 4th, 2012, are still valid—as long as Form 432020 is kept in the vehicle and the same car is used.

Also, this vehicle that is being driven must be the same one that was initially approved during the exemption period, according to officials.

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