Tiffany Kay’s Weekend In 5: Fire & a Boyfriend??
It was an interesting weekend to say the least. Fires happened, food happened, fun happened and.... a boyfriend?
It all started on Friday with happy hour at Anton's Garden in downtown Waterloo with some fellow co-workers and friends of mine. Perfect way to start a weekend off right! From there my friend and I went to dinner at a Japanese Steakhouse... I tried cooking the food for us on the grill and playing with fire but they wouldn't let me... something about safety hazards, I don't know. So I left the cooking to the professional.
Saturday was a day of fun and friends as we got in some shopping, eating and a perfect fire to end the night and the perfect way to start off fall! Sunday was full of laundry, watching Cake Boss and making some food. Oh! I also finally got a boyfriend! You can meet Dean below!
Tiffany Kay's Weekend in 5: Fire & a Boyfriend??
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