The Cedar Valley Becomes Iowa’s First “Dementia Friendly” Community
If you have ever lived with someone or known of someone who has had dementia, then you probably know how hard it can be for everyone involved. A loved one with dementia is not just suffering themselves but also those around them must watch them suffer and deteriorate as well. It can be a tough thing.
Well, in the Cedar Valley there is now more support for those suffering with dementia and their families. According to KWWL, Waterloo is Iowa's first "Dementia Friendly" city as resources to support have increased. Among the support for those dealing with dementia is the Northeast Iowa Area Agency of Aging and the Alzheimers Association of Iowa which have both really been pushing offices in Waterloo to provide more care and support for the families and those affected with dementia.
However the support doesn't stop there as the University of Northern Iowa has also gotten involved in this cause. UNI has a program called "the Gerontology Program" which is all about studying what is involved with dementia. Beyond that, one UNI student, Megan Kooker, has started heading a program called the Dementia Friendly Action Team which will help give support to the family members of those affected with dementia and to the patient themselves.