I received this awesome pumpkin thanks to Heartland Farms in Waterloo. After staring at it for about a week, I felt it looked bored, so I decided to let 'Bucky the Pumpkin' have a little fun.

Yesterday I let 'Bucky the Pumpkin' enjoy a little time on the Internet. Let's face it, all of us a some point or another can waste a good hour or two just clicking our brains out. He seemed fascinated that John Travolta & Shania Twain were making a movie about dirt track racing.


Today I gave Bucky the Pumpkin a shot on the air during the 8 AM hour. My coworkers said he was way more entertaining than I have even been.


I gave Bucky the Pumpkin and inch, and now he's begging for the whole mile. He wants to leave the building. We'll see what happens next.

More Adventures with Bucky the Pumpkin coming soon.

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