Technology Has Made Us… Dumber?!
Technology makes life easier in a lot of ways. But we're so dependent on it now, we can't even do simple tasks anymore:
A recent poll found the average person can get away with not remembering FIVE things a day, because technology does it for them. And more than a third of us feel like we don't have to remember ANYTHING anymore.
The top five things we forget because of technology are:
- Passwords
- Other people's phone numbers
- How to spell certain words
- How to write legibly, especially younger people, and how to do basic math.
Our OWN phone number just missed the top five in 6th place. Somehow, 13% of people in the poll said they don't know their own number off the top of their head.
A few more that made the top 20 are:
- Other people's addresses
- Birthdays
- Names
- Directions
- What time your favorite shows are on TV.
60% of people in the poll said the main reason we forget easy stuff like that is because we know we can just Google it these days.
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