
12 Of The Weirdest Laws In Iowa
12 Of The Weirdest Laws In Iowa
12 Of The Weirdest Laws In Iowa
I don't know about you, but sometimes when I'm going about my daily life I worry that I'm doing something wrong or breaking the law. Oh, is that just me? Well, I like to look up the local laws in a state to make sure everything is alright on my end, if you know what I'm saying... So, here are a few of the weirdest laws I could find that you need to follow in most of Iowa.
Here’s How Many Laws Clark Griswold Broke In ‘Christmas Vacation’ (VIDEO)
Here’s How Many Laws Clark Griswold Broke In ‘Christmas Vacation’ (VIDEO)
Here’s How Many Laws Clark Griswold Broke In ‘Christmas Vacation’ (VIDEO)
A lawyer on YouTube channel LegalEagle figured out just how many laws Clark Griswold broke during the movie 'National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation." According to the lawyer, by the end of the movie, Clark will have committed five types of criminal damage, while Cousin Eddie violated the Illinois Environmental Protection Act during his "Sh**ter's Full" scene...