If You See Red Paint On a Tree, You Need to Leave in a HurryIf You See Red Paint On a Tree, You Need to Leave in a HurryYou're probably somewhere you're not supposed to be if you find yourself hiking on a trail with a tree that has red paint. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Absolute WORST Things to Do If Attacked By a Bear When HikingAbsolute WORST Things to Do If Attacked By a Bear When HikingYou may think you don't need tips to survive a bear attack until you're actually staring down a 600-pound grizzly in the woods. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Parks Service Alerts Hikers to Disturbing Discovery on Popular TrailParks Service Alerts Hikers to Disturbing Discovery on Popular TrailA recent warning from Oregon’s Parks Service reveals alarming new hazards that hikers across the U.S. should keep in mind.Stephen LenzStephen Lenz
If You See a White Circle on a Tree, the Clock is TickingIf You See a White Circle on a Tree, the Clock is TickingYou might not even notice it, but there is an entire color-coded system marking trees along the trails you hike in the woods. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Want to See the World's Tallest Tree? You'll End Up in JailWant to See the World's Tallest Tree? You'll End Up in JailDon't even think about trying to find this tree unless you're willing to do hard time. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Ring in the New Year by Going Hiking!Ring in the New Year by Going Hiking!Iowa state parks and forests invite you to join the second annual First Day Hike Challenge.James PatrickJames Patrick
This Gorgeous Iowa Trail Lets You Hike Through a CaveThis Gorgeous Iowa Trail Lets You Hike Through a CaveWe are fortunate to have a lot of places in Iowa where you can enjoy a good hike. One trail in particular is extra awesome as it allows you to hike through a natural cave.Doc HollidayDoc Holliday
Top 13 “Fall” Things To Do In The Cedar Valley/NE Iowa [Photos/List]Top 13 “Fall” Things To Do In The Cedar Valley/NE Iowa [Photos/List]Don't let anybody fool ya, there's plenty of fun things to do this fall in Iowa!Shawn McKennaShawn McKenna