Support Local Businesses During COVID-19 With #CedarValleyStrong
As you know, during this time of social distancing and quarantining many businesses have had to close down which means no cash flow and for local businesses this can be very scary and even mean they may not be able to re-open in the future. So it is important to support local during this time and if you are worried about how to do this without visiting the places in person here is how!
#CedarValleyStrong is a movement that was started by Heath Wilken from Cedar Falls Laser Engraving LLC. According to KWWL, Heath came up with this idea on March 15th to crew #CedarValleyStrong on his company's website that contained 10 to 15 small, local businesses that patrons can buy gift cards from or online orders to be picked up or delivered or held on to for future use. The money from gift cards and other online items equals immediate cash flow for the businesses.
This page had such huge success that a new website has been created specifically to allow people to shop locally. Cedar Valley Strong website is organized categorically and allows you to purchase anything from food, drink, retail and even farm and produce services. Go ahead and check out the website and make sure to support local!