Rejoice, Iowans: New ‘Busch Latte’ Cans Debut In Iowa!
Iowans are hard workers. Farming. Construction. Engineering. Manufacturing... Iowans do it all. And on hot summer days.
At the end of a long day, research indicates, we reach for an ice-cold Busch Light. And NOT a... *shutters* pumpkin spice latte... That's just, un-Midwestern! Well good news, beer lovers! Iowa is one of seven states where a new can of Busch Light is now available for purchase.
Busch Light posted on Facebook that Iowans are able to buy cans with a new 'Busch Latte' logo. Busch, which seems to be a brand all about having fun with its popularity in the midwest, is using this can design after the name 'Busch Latte' became popular on social media.
The cans are being sold exclusively in 30 packs, and like all good things, only for a limited time. The Busch Latte cans will also be sold in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, and Missouri.
(Additional info: CBS2)
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