Please Don’t Die This Week…
If you're still really depressed about going back to work, the holidays being over, and life resuming normality, here's something to really put it in perspective: At least you ain't dead.
Apparently, more people will die THIS week than any other week of the year. This according to The Independent.
A study found that during the second week of January about 40% more people die than other weeks of the year. YIKES. So why is that? Well, the main reasons are the cold weather and a lot of illnesses going around. On the bright side, I guess that means as long as you can survive this week, you're good?
On the happier side, how about a joke? What did one casket say to the other? 'That you coffin?!' Ahhhhh hahaha. I hope that joke killed! Erm, cracked you up... in a non-deathy way... Stay warm and safe out there!