Odds Are Pretty Good Cedar Valley Drivers Will Hit One Of These…
Fall in Iowa... leaves changing, the harvest sends combines into the fields... deer frolicking on roads and highways...
If you've driven in Iowa for more than one season, chances are you've seen a deer or ten or by a roads. And according to Farmers Insurance, Iowa ranks second in states where you are most likely to hit a deer. The only state you are more likely to hit a deer? West Virginia.
But there are some steps you can take to avoid (or minimize) your chances of hitting a big ol' buck. Farmer suggests the following
- Use your high beams: Wildlife is often most active at dusk and dawn, according to the Colorado Parks Department. If appropriate, while driving at night (when there is no fog present, or oncoming traffic) use your high beams to increase visibility and spot animals more easily. Or, stick to daylight hours if you can, to help reduce your risk.
- Heed warning signs: States and cities often place wildlife crossing signs near areas with heavy animal traffic for good reason - keep an eye out for signs, and of course, animals on the move.
- Stick to the middle lane: If you're on a multi-lane road, staying in the middle lane may give you more time to spot an animal that may be crossing ahead of you.
- Know what to do if an accident occurs: If you hit an animal, pull over and call local law enforcement. They can direct you on what actions to take. Make sure you stay away from the animal since they may only be stunned and might panic if you come close, causing additional harm to you or your vehicle.
- Get home safely: If you hit an animal, don't assume your car is safe to drive. Look for any leaks, loose parts, broken lights and tire damage. If you spot issues or if your vehicle seems unsafe, have the car towed
(SOURCE: Farmers via PRNewsWire)
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