National Coffee Day is Sunday… Here Is What You Need To Know
America runs on.... coffee. Or at least that is what I am told as I am not a fan of coffee myself, but for those of you who are Sunday is YOUR day! It's National Coffee and I know you want some of those coffee facts right?
Do you make coffee at home every day or do you start your day off at Starbucks/local coffee shop? You might be surprised to find out that 89% of people actually have at least one cup of coffee home a week rather than buy one. Why? Well most of the reasons have to do with cost and convenience.
Do you put anything in your coffee or do you like it black as night? 79% of us add cream or sugar in our coffee but that doesn't mean there aren't any die hard black coffee lovers... just most of them are not in the millennial range. And honestly, 80% of people just brew it in their home to make it smell good... I mean that's an extreme waste of money to get a coffee smell in your home, but to each their own.
Happy National Coffee Day!