Lots Of Iowans Will NOT Be Doing This After Sunday’s GoT Finale
This Sunday is the big Game of Thrones series finale and Monday is a federal holiday...
...Ok, no not really, but don't be surprised if you're short-handed at work on Monday, May 20th. I say this because according to a new poll from People.com, 10.7 MILLION people are gonna skip work, either by calling in sick or using a last-minute vacation day.
One huge (and very serious if you're a fan) question remains: Will those who watch Sunday's finale be satisfied or OUTRAGED?
The petition to redo Season 8 with COMPETENT WRITERS passed 700,000 signatures last night and now they're shooting for a MILLION. Remember, when we chatted about this other day, it was at 2000,000.
Meanwhile, actor Kevin Sussman from The Big Bang Theory joked that they'll redo last night's finale if anyone wasn't satisfied.
Will you be watching Sunday? Has your excitement and anticipation diminished? Don't let last weeks episode ruin this: You've been watching for years! Enjoy. PS, I know that sounds easy for me to say, but I'm a Star Wars fan. I had Last Jedi in 2017. I know franchise pain...