Leaves Starting to Change Color in Northeast Iowa
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources says that colors are starting to change in Northeast Iowa, and the colors seem quite vibrant this year in spite of the drought-like conditions.
I found an interactive fall foliage map (web) that helps show the projected peak times for all of the United States. It allows you to change the date to see the projected peak period. This way you can see when your favorite area to drive will hit its peak period.
This weekend (Sept 30-Oct 1) Northeast Iowa is listed as patchy via the interactive map, and it will continue to develop a deep array of colors until it hits its peak the weekend of October 21-22. In fact, two-thirds of the state hits its peak that weekend.
The latest Iowa Department of Natural Resources 'Iowa Fall Colors Weekly Report' confirmed that the changing colors are in full swing this weekend the Northeast Iowa section of Iowa.
Currently the sumac and Virginia Creeper are the foliage providing the most color in Northeast Iowa. Areas in northern and central Iowa are just starting to see yellows and oranges from the changing colors of green ash, walnut and hickory trees." Iowa DNR
The rest of the state is still fairly green.
Despite the 'patchy' nature of the colors, it looks like this might be a good weekend to start heading into the hills of Northeast Iowa.
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