Iowan’s Drink A LOT of Beer…
We love to drink. There, I said it. Iowans like BEER more specifically! I mean, I'm in radio so I am as much into a good, beer or three as much as anyone... Anyways, here's the proof we enjoy alcohol in Iowa: We ranked #11 in alcohol consumption compared to other states (out of 51, District of Columbia was included) according to a new study from VinePair.
The study found Iowans drank 1.24 gallons of ethanol (alcohol's less fun, grown up name) per capita. However, we lag behind a few of our fellow Midwestern sates. North and South Dakota finished 4th and 5th, Wisconsin 8th. Iowans drank roughly 71.6 million gallons of beer last year.
The study determined Midwesterners drink more beer than those in other any other regions of the country. Duh, you ever seen our winters?! Utah finished last at 51, but the study explains the large Mormon population is likely the reason for this.
As a nation, Americans drink more than six billion gallons of beer each year. I have a feeling since this pandemic began, that number will be a wee bit higher for 2020... Drink safe.
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