Early Outlook: It’s Going To Be COLD In The CV Halloween
Well parents, let me say this: I am sorry your kids might struggle to be superheroes, princess and clowns this year. Maybe throw a jack on the costume? I mean, Kylo Ren still looks pretty tuff, even sporting an extra cape. Or two... It's gonna be pretty COLD if this extended outlook for the end of October/early November holds up. According to CBS meteorologist Rebecca Kopelman's graph below.
I asked Rebecca what the actual forecast looks like, and she was quick to say:
It’s way too early to call for a temperature, but it’s probably going to be cold. Here’s a graphic for the overall temperature outlook during Halloween from the Climate Prediction Center (above). Temperatures will likely be in the 30s/40s that evening, but that could change since we’re so far out.
So there IS hope we could eek out of the frigid temps. But sadly it's eastern Iowa and this sort of forecast isn't a real shock for Halloween.